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The hand of God...

Nice to meet you! I’m Jeff. Back in the 80’s, my parents were shocked twice by the news of unwanted pregnancies, first with my older brother and then two years later with me. As struggling immigrants, they felt abortion was the only option. Through the divine hand of God, however, both my brother and I were saved, and the family legacy continued. But it was a legacy of brokenness and pain. Decades later, after receiving much healing and restoration of the heart, my brother and I each have thriving families of our own.

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We’re a family on a mission…

The thriving part was no accident! My wife and I have been blessed with 4 sons. Our story of renewal from the battering of life is an invaluable part of our journey. Ethiopia is another invaluable part–an 18 year journey. Now, we are so grateful to be in the amazing world of specialty Ethiopian coffee, but the amazing coffee part didn’t come first. From the beginning of our Ethiopia story, there were deep relationships, family and the birthing of legacy. Coffee came later… we’re sure glad it did! In 2019, we became an importer and a roaster of this specialty Ethiopian coffee.

The Vision...

Our mission is two-fold: take part in family revival and help people drink amazing coffee! With full hearts and coffee in hand, we’re bringing you our direct trade, single origin specialty coffees sourced straight from Ethiopia and roasted by us. We buy directly from the coffee producers who are close friends. We’re excited for you to join our coffee journey. Give yourself delightful coffee while giving 20% of your purchase to organizations who directly support the unborn and the restoration of families.

It’s loving your neighbor as yourself!

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