Love Coffee! Love Life!
Shop NowOur Coffees
Never Run Out
Experience Direct Trade, Single Origin Specialty Ethiopian Coffee while giving to pro-life & pro-family organizations.

Clean Coffee
- Free of all junk
- No flavorings
- No pesticides
- No mold
- 100% specialty coffee!
Love Coffee!
Ready to elevate your coffee journey? Jump into our world of Specialty Coffee and do just that!
"Specialty" Coffee isn't a fancy buzz word. There's a list of criteria established by the Specialty Coffee Association to define Specialty Coffee. It means something for the entire coffee supply chain. For you, the consumer, it definitely means a better tasting cup of coffee.
Join our coffee revival!

Love Life!
Dr. Seuss says it perfectly. "A person's a person no matter how small." With this truth written on every heart by our Creator, we're thrilled to partner with you, alongside pro-life & pro-family organizations, towards the restoration of divine family legacy.
"Children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3